Players on the bench

During the ice hockey season, we train on two days a week. If you start at the club and have no prior experience, you will train the first hour on both Monday and Wednesday. All trainings are at the ice rink IJsbaan Twente in Enschede, close to the University campus. The ice hockey season ranges from October to March. During the months April to September we organise various other activities to keep in shape, such as basketball, beach volleyball, or inline hockey.

We have a dedicated coach, Tony Tran-Chau, who makes sure everybody has a proper training. The training itself consists of various skating, passing and tactic drills to prepare everybody for the competition games. The first 5 minutes there will be warmup drills, after which we will start with the regular drills. The last 15-30 minutes of our training we play a game.

Skating drill at training

During the start of the season (October), we organise two introductory trainings. You can participate in such a training to figure out whether hockey could become your favorite sport. We will provide you with skates and make sure you get a gear to wear.

All new members get extra attention during their first season. Existing members give you advise and answer questions during the training. Also, one of our referees gives a course on rules each year. Afterwards, the team captain or a member of the technical committee will give a brief course on hockey tactics to make sure you are up to speed.

Training times

During the winter period between October and the end of March, we train at the following moments:

Monday 20:40 - 22:10

Wednesday 21:30 - 23:00