Sunday evening. The atmosphere was chilly in the changing room. As player prepared for the game, there was one thing on their minds that they realized: This was about to be their last game of the season in the 5th division. Laces were thightened, protective gear applied, helmets put on. As the room slowly showed the black and yellow colors, a voice started filling the room. “Okay Studs listen up!” The captain started her introduction speech.
After the speech. Each member confidently left the room and went to the rink. Giovanni, Paul, Nicky Saskia, Laura, Nienke, Willy, Jesper, Joyce, Joey, Matthias and Estelle were all going to play a good game, have fun, and SKATE!
As the game started, the opponents from Hoorn proved to be a worthy adversary. within minutes, people were hit hard, pucks were slung outside the boarding and goals were made. Matthias scored our first goal in the first period. End score period 1: 1-2
After the first half, the captain’s strategic insight provided the team with directives to form a better front against the other team. Whilst our efforts were more effective, the other team could still exploit weaknesses in both the offense and defence. End score period 2: 1-4
During the long break, the team refocussed their efforts on tight passing and focusing on the man instead of the puck when defending. This combined with everybody pushing in to the limit and giving their full 120% led to the best defence, offence. Puck after puck were slung into the goal by Estelle, Jesper and Paul. The opponent was truly overwhelmed in the last period. But it was too late, the enemy already scored too much. Still, the match was glorious and a truly a great end to the season! End score period 3: 4-5